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Miri Hughes

Death Omens & Superstitions

Miri Hughes is a young illustrator who loves to design characters, outfits and locations, exploring both book illustration and concept art. They love warm colours and atmospheric compositions, focusing on lighting and shadows, and always learning more and more about colour theory. Miri’s work includes a wide range of styles, ranging from realism to more exaggerated, cartoonish work, depending on the subject. They have both an Etsy shop where they currently sell stickers, as well as a Redbubble for other products featuring their designs. Commissions will be opening soon, so keep an eye on their page!


Mae Miri Hughes yn ddarlunudd ifanc sy’n caru darlunio cymeriadau, gwisgoedd a lleoliadau, yn archwilio darlunio llyfrau a celf cysyniad. Mae’n caru lliwiau cynnes a celf atmosfferig, yn canolbwyntio ar olau a chysgodion, ac yn dal ati i ddysgu mwy a mwy am theori lliw. Mae gwaith Miri yn cynnwys llawer o steiliau, yn amrywio o realaeth tuag at waith gorliwiedig a cartwnaidd, yn dibynnu ar y pwnc. Mae ganddi siop Etsy lle mae’n gwerthu sticeri, yn ogystal a Redbubble ar gyfer cynhyrchion eraill. Bydd comisiynau yn agor yn fuan, fellu cadwch olwg ar ei thudalen!


“For my Graduate Portfolio project, I’ve been creating a children’s book, “Death Omens & Superstitions”. My intention is to try and explain possibly confusing habits, as well as different cultural beliefs, to children in a fun and lighthearted manner, utilising thirteen characters that represent different types of superstitions surrounding the topic. Character design is one of my favourite aspects of illustration so I really wanted to push myself to develop my skills in that area during this project. I also chose to create a set of playing cards featuring my thirteen characters, all with symbolic reasoning behind their respective number.”


Ar gyfer fy mhrosiect , rwyf wedi bod yn creu llyfr i blant, “Death Omens & Superstitions”. Fy mwriad yw i drio egluro arferion dryslyd, a credoau diwyllianau gwahanol, i blant mewn ffordd hwyl a ysgafn, drwy ddefnyddio undeg tri cymeriad sydd yn cynrychioli mathau gwahanol o ofergoelion amdan y pwnc. Cynllunio cymeriadau ydi un o fy hoff ddarnau o ddarlunio, felly roeddwn eisiau trio fy ngorau i ddatblygu fy sgiliau yn y maes yma yn ystod y prosiect. Dewisiais hefyd i greu set o gardiau chwarau yn dangos fy undeg tri cymeriad; pob un â rheswm symbolaidd tu ôl eu rhif priod.

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