Alys Shutt
Roald Dahl 105
Alys’ work uses both traditional and digital methods. Her interest in illustration, graphics and advertising gives her the opportunity to explore different styles and ideas for each project. Using her welsh language skills, Alys has been able to work with people from a number of creative backgrounds allowing her to broaden her knowledge of the creative industry. After graduating, Alys would like to pursue a career in publishing either in book cover design or marketing.
Mae gwaith Alys yn defnyddio dulliau traddodiadol a digidol. Mae eu diddordeb mewn darlunio, graffeg a hysbysebu yn rhoi cyfle iddi archwilio gwahanol arddulliau a syniadau ar gyfer pob prosiect. Gan ddefnyddio ei sgiliau iaith Gymraeg, mae Alys wedi gallu gweithio gyda phobl o nifer o gefndiroedd creadigol gan ganiatáu iddi ehangu ei gwybodaeth am y diwydiant creadigol. Ar ôl graddio, hoffai Alys ddilyn gyrfa mewn cyhoeddi naill ai mewn dylunio clawr llyfrau neu farchnata.
“My Celebration of Roald Dahl bundle is in commemoration of the author’s 105th birthday. The bundle will include new covers for three of Roald Dahl’s novels; The BFG, James and the Giant Peach and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It will also include a number of products such as bookmarks and novelty drinks inspired by these childhood favourites.”
Mae fy mwndel Dathliad Roald Dahl i ddathlu pen-blwydd 105 yr awdur. Bydd y bwndel yn cynnwys cloriau newydd ar gyfer tair o nofelau Roald Dahl, The BFG, James and the Giant Peach a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Bydd hefyd yn cynnwys nifer o gynhyrchion fel nodau tudalen a diodydd newydd-deb y cafodd eu hysbrydoli gan y ffefrynnau plentyndod hyn.